Thursday, April 24, 2008

6 Months!

My anniversary card for DJ.... (and first Showit show!)

Dj has been out of town (Chicago now!) previewing his new software, but he sent THE most gorgeous flowers! He found the only two peonies left in Santa Barbara - my favorite :) I can't believe it's been 6 months!


|| davidjay || said...

I love you baby! Thank you so much for the slideshow! It's amazing!!! I'm watching it again now!!

cu4photos said...

OMG, you guys are killing me!!! I love you both(and I've only met you once) Allie, wish you were going to be in Atlanta with DJ. I know you're ready to have him home!

Anonymous said...

Awwww.....that was worth waiting for! :) Congrats to both of you!!


Michael + Anna Costa said...

I love the slideshow! Way to go Alli for putting it together (and DJ or for creating the software - what a team :)
Alli, your painting is on my blog so definitely grab it!


Michael Costa said...

Congratulations you two, you're perfect for each other... both awesome! I saw your painting on Anna's blog, really beautiful colors & I love the shape of the landscape, so good!

.Alli.son. said...

Thank you Michael!! Your wife is sure pretty talented. You must be so proud! =)

Danielle said...

God Bless both of you :)
You are blessed, many happy wishes your way!!!

Jasmine said...

Sooooo CUTE!!! I LOVE you guys!!! :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE your chessyness. And those flowers are beautiful!!

Steph Riedel said...

How stinkin cute is this ? AND both of you !!!!!

I love your slide show !!!! How do you upload the slideshow when your done to your blogspot webiste? I just bought the software but am stuck at this point....

Airika Pope said...

Congrats, you guys! It was so fun to meet you at WPPI--you guys are the sweetest couple ever. Here's to many more months and years of love! :)

Unknown said...

Too cute. :)

Happy belated anniversary. Hoping that God will bless you two with many, many more.

Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys!

Can i outsource my Show It's to you! LOL!


Ana Gabriela said...

that's soooo sweet!

Ginger Murray said...

SO sweet. I can't wait to do a 2-year anniversary slideshow for my husband!
I love peonies too. They were in my wedding bouquet!

Take care;)