Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oil Paint & Jasmine

My new place has it's own little deck! And it's overgrown with Jasmine that fills my room when I open the windows. What an amazing time to move in. On Saturday I took a few hours to enjoy my new little space -- I finally have a place to oil paint! Which means I could work more on this one that's hung for nearly A YEAR on my wall unfinished! (I always think if I just hang it, I'll be inspired to finish it. I suppose it takes me a bit more inspiration than that.)

I'm in a darling house on the Mesa (in SB) with 4 other fabulous girls (all older and way cooler than me, but so so fun and sweet!). Best part -- it takes me about a minute to walk down the street to a view that rivals my painting (perhaps the inspiration??).

The masterpiece has yet to be completed, but someday - I'm determined! - it will be. It's hard when you go so long on something -- I consistently fight an urge to scrap it and begin again. But I'm committed, and finished it will shortly be. I took the photo in Cyprus a few years ago... they say it's where Aphrodite was born. :)


Anonymous said...

I want to put in an order for a painting for my office. Love, Dad

TeachKidsArt said...

I love your new little place!!! I think you are headed for some really wonderful times ahead! :)

Cindy said...

They may be cooler than you (I doubt it), but they can't possibly be any sweeter. Sounds like you're doing well...i'm glad. What a beautiful painting. YOu're so talented. ~Cindy

Felicia said...

Allison, your painting looks great! Have you been able to finish it?

Katee Grace said...

beautiful! I love it!!! :) welcome home!

Larry Reeves said...

Lucky!! What an amazing place to live...and just awesome that you have a nice quiet spot to express yourself.